Author: Michael James – Fire Consultant, Cahill Design Consultants
Whilst the risk of PV solar panel systems catching fire is considered low, like any other technology that produces electricity, they can cause a fire.
The growing number of solar-panel related fires, as reported by industry bodies and the mainstream media in 2023, reflects the growing reliance on solar as an energy source. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes solar panel fires and the methods that can be adopted to mitigate and reduce the risk to historical installations.
There are several reasons why a solar panel may catch fire.
Installation Faults
One of the main causes of solar panel malfunctions are solar panel installation faults. Not using an accredited competent installer of solar PV systems can lead to faults with potential to cause fires.
Product Defects
Similarly, product defects make up a significant portion of solar-related fires. Poor quality or incompatible components add to the risk of fire.
Planning and Design Issues
Additionally, planning and design issues can also add to the risk of solar panel fires. This can cause damage to not just the PV installation, but the building on which they are mounted.
PAS (61300) 2024
The new PAS (61300) 2024 specifies requirements for fire safety in the installation of small-scale electrical energy storage systems (EESSs) in domestic dwellings that utilise stationary secondary batteries as the medium for energy storage.
However, this PAS guidance can equally be adopted for small scale commercial projects.
How we can help
At CDC our fire team engineers are at the forefront of industry standards. We interpret and implement best practices beside legal obligations.
Let CDC take the dark clouds away and you can enjoy solar energy safe in knowledge that as the responsible person that you have done all that can be reasonably practicable.
Contact us to discuss your requirements
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